About Us

In addition, Read Street Medical has been operating since 1979. Thus, we are a family medicine and skin cancer check general practice (GP) located in the heart of Rockingham.

Read Street Medical & Skin Centre - Family Medicine & Skin Checks

Read Street Medical has been operating since 1979. We are a family and skin cancer general practice (GP) located in the heart of Rockingham.

Our commitment to our community is the core of who we are. We strive to continuously improve the quality of the services we provide and consistently meeting our community’s needs. We do this by attracting like-minded Doctors and Clinicians to practice here and develop services that caters to the needs and interest of the growing Rockingham City and it’s surrounding suburbs. We have in the previous years added in numerous services besides Primary Care Health Services such as specialised Skin Cancer and GP Dermatology Services, Acupuncture Service, Travel Health Service and Pathology Services. As we grow, we plan to add in other medical services such as Allied Health Services.

If you are a Medical Doctor or Allied Health Clinician and can relate to our ethos and working culture, we would love to hear from you to discuss opportunities in providing your services from our location.

Read Street Medical has been operating since 1979. We are a family and skin cancer general practice (GP) located in the heart of Rockingham.

Our commitment to our patients is the core of who we are. We strive to continuously improve the quality of the services we provide and consistently meeting out patient’s needs. As we grow, we have made some changes to our existing practice and brought in additional services  to cater to the needs and interest of the growing Rockingham community and it’s surrounding suburbs. Meet our friendly team members in our Rockingham Centre today.

Meet Our Team

There are both female and male Clinicians from a diverse background, who between them have a wide range of professional experience, who practice from our location.

Read Street Medical & Skin Centre is an Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL) accredited general practice. The tenant GPs, Clinicians, Nurses and Staff have been recognised to meet the standards of governing industry standards, as set by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RACGP).

General Practitioners / Skin Doctors

Dr. Wan Leong

Dr. Cohen Goh

Dr. Yu Ken Yap

Dr. Jacqueline Koo

Dr Jacqueline Koo

Dr. Annah Andavuki

Dr. Yoshi Inoue

Dr Inoue

Dr. Joan Vei Le Kong

Dr Joan

Dr. Leopold Foong

Dr. Leopold

Dr. Cecilia Chong

Dr. Alvin Wee

Dr Alvin Wee

Dr. Louise Diaz

Dr. Hui-Cheng Tay

Dr. Hui-Cheng Tay

Practice Manager

Casey Milnes

Practice Nurses



Hannah-Rose Winter

Kimberley Dunmill

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